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产品展示- 纳米筛网3D培养支架(3D Insert with Nanomesh)--3D Biotek
- PSB152096-24 PSW15203D Insert-PS支架荧光/化学发光检测板
- PS152096-24聚苯乙烯3D细胞培养支架(3D Insert-PS)3D Biotek
- 3D biotek聚已内酯3D细胞培养支架(3D Insert-PCL)
- CS-06-0013D悬滴培养板和3D细胞培养基----瑞士Insphero
- SFA荧光适配器—让体视显微镜升级为荧光显微镜
- 1130A/B/C/D加厚一次性丁腈手套(耐用型)---Medicom麦迪康
- K1-1502抗dsRNA的单克隆抗体-K1抗体
- Yersinia enterocoliticaYersinia enterocolitica 小肠结肠炎耶尔森氏菌检测试剂盒
- Toxigenic subspecies of Vibrio choleraeToxigenic subspecies of Vibrio cholerae 霍乱弧菌的产毒素的亚种检测试剂盒
- Staphylococcus aureusStaphylococcus aureus 金黄色酿脓葡萄球菌检测试剂盒
- ShigellaShigella 志贺氏杆菌属检测试剂盒
- Norovirus genotypes 1 and 2Norovirus genotypes 1 and 2 诺瓦克病毒基因型1&2 检测试剂盒
- Naegleria speciesNaegleria species纳氏虫属检测试剂盒
- JC PolyomavirusJC Polyomavirus JC多瘤病毒检测试剂盒